Thursday, January 14, 2010

A meal to remember

This is a meal to remember - 30 Dec 2009 - Madhatter's party...

We have the madhatter's themed party
Its nana's birthday!
We have 100% local attendance (all spouses and Baby T joined us! overseas frens excluded)
The food is enjoyable...
The cake is fantastic!
There is prezzies for everyone!

I love my friends!!

- Roast pork belly done in two marinates, served with honey mustard sauce
- Bacon wrapped carrot and kailan stem
- Angel's hair in chicken pesto
- Portobello mushroom baked with garlic and cheese
- Kailan stem and carrot, cooked in cheese
- Salad served with Italian herb dressing
- Soft white bread, served with unsalted butter (freshly baked from the breadmaker)
- Lychee martini cake (from Pine Gardens)

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